Beneficial Economics (Benecon) is an occasional publication that identifies advances in contributions to economics that are believed to have the potential to contribute to a beneficial practical applications in policy and economic activities to enhance the wellbeing of constituents.

Our last Review for 2020-2021 made reference to the emerging potential significance of the Real Incomes Approach to Economics, a completely different paradigm from Keynesian variants, monetarism, supply side economics and modern monetary theory. The lead developer, the British Economist Hector W. McNeill, Director of the George Boole Foundation Limited and Coordinator of SEEL-Systems Engineering Economics Lab, has written a book entitled,

"The Bank of England:1975-2025 - The Economic Consequences for the People"

which identifies the gaps in conventional economic theory and practice and closes those gaps with a distinct economic theory and policy proposition to reverse the long term decline in the British economy.

The notable fact is that the Real Incomes Approach policy is a completely different counter-inflationary non-monetary paradigm replacing the perennial poor performance of conventional monetary policy decisions and opening up a more transparent mechanism for reversing economic decline.

This book will be released this month September, 2024 as an e-book.